Mi'kmaw beaders repair damage on 100-year-old relics

The historical artifacts are going to be repatriated to the Mi’kmaq from an American museum

CBC NewsSis'moqon

Armed with needle, thread, tweezers, magnifying glass and shish kebab sticks, two expert Mi'kmaw beaders have been tasked with preparing some century-old artifacts for their eventual return to Nova Scotia.

Just a few miles from the White House, around 500 rare Mi'kmaw artifacts have sat in the Smithsonian's collection for decades. They were gathered by anthropologists who toured Atlantic Canada during their studies of Indigenous communities in the early 1900s.

Nik Phillips of Millbrook First Nati…


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Mi'kmaw beaders repair damage on 100-year-old relics

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsSis'moqon, Posted: Jul 27, 2024 5:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 6 minutes ago
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