Mi'kmaw fishers say DFO officers left them to walk for hours at night after seizing boots, phones

Protest held Tuesday; Trudeau calls reports 'very troubling'

CBC News

Two Mi'kmaw elver fishermen say they were forced to walk in sock feet for hours along a rural Nova Scotia highway in the middle of the night last week after they were detained by federal fisheries officers who took their boots and phones before releasing them.

Blaise Sylliboy and Kevin Hartling, who assert they have a treaty right to fish for the lucrative baby eels despite this year's season being cancelled, were joined Tuesday morning by dozens of protesters outside the Department of Fisheries…


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Mi'kmaw fishers say DFO officers left them to walk for hours at night after seizing boots, phones

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC News, Posted: Apr 02, 2024 4:03 PM EDT | Last Updated: 7 minutes ago
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