Nova Scotia government giving itself the power to fire the auditor general

Proposed changes would also allow government to make some or all of an auditor general's report private

CBC NewsMichael Gorman

Premier Tim Houston's government is using its supermajority in the legislature to give itself the power to fire the auditor general without cause and make reports from the office private.

The changes are included in one of two omnibus bills the government tabled on Tuesday, the same day the provincial budget was released.

The Government Organization and Administration Act makes a number of changes, including setting out previously announced plans by the Progressive Conservatives to do away with C…


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Nova Scotia government giving itself the power to fire the auditor general


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CBC NewsMichael Gorman, Posted: Feb 18, 2025 6:07 PM EST | Last Updated: 3 minutes ago
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Christine Bonnar Follow Me
Oh wow… government should have the power or control over being able to fire the Auditor General. They are there to protect and enlighten the public of how OUR TAX DOLLARS are spent. Premier Tim Houston, some things I agree with you and some I certainly don’t, and definitely this one scares the hell out of me. Complete control can be a very dangerous slippery slope.

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