PCs use majority to trim opposition's question time at N.S. legislative committees

Opposition MLAs say the change reduces accountability, PCs say it's about fairness

CBC NewsMichael Gorman

Progressive Conservative MLAs in Nova Scotia flexed their majority on two legislative committees Tuesday to reduce the amount of time available to opposition members to ask questions.

Members of the government say it's about fairness and a nod to the record-setting number of MLAs in the PC caucus, but opposition members are accusing the PCs of trying to reduce the amount of scrutiny they face.

Customarily, the time distributed to MLAs to ask questions of committee witnesses has taken one of two f…


Read the full story on the CBC website

PCs use majority to trim opposition's question time at N.S. legislative committees

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsMichael Gorman, Posted: Feb 04, 2025 3:39 PM EST | Last Updated: 4 minutes ago
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William Palander Follow Me
A healthy Opposition makes for a more invested in the people, a more creative environment and healthier government.
Christine Bonnar Follow Me
My lord!! The older I get the more I see corruption throughout government. Premier Houston, is this decision about giving opposition little time to none to speak is what you think is best for the people of Nova Scotia or is this about taking complete CONTROL? All parties that have won the election, they’re already thinking of how they can work to win the next one already. Come on….we need you to All Work together to do what is the right and best decision for the people that live here in NovaScotia, not what is best for you. Especially in these very uncertain times!

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