Plan to repave highway ruts in Cape Breton falls short: former employee [VIDEO]

A former Nova Scotia Public Works employee is speaking out about the dangerous ruts on Highway 125 in Cape Breton. The minister says some relief is on the way this summer, but only on a short stretch of road in his riding. Kyle Moore has the story.


Watch the video on the CBC website

Plan to repave highway ruts in Cape Breton falls short: former employee


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Christine Bonnar Follow Me
Minister says, “some relief is on its way for hwy 125”. Actually ONLY 10 Kilometres. The problem with these deep ruts stretch much further than that. We here in Cape Breton have been putting up with this dangerous hwy for years with the band-aid solutions. I have travelled to Halifax quite often and never did I see the severity of ruts like what is on this hwy 125 and yet they get far more traffic. Hard to believe that the government accepts the accidents and deaths that have occurred through these ruts with not fixing the problem for years. Sorry, not good enough Minister with excepting only 10 Kilometres to be fixed!

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