RCMP investigates fatal collision on Hwy. 104

Antigonish County District RCMP is investigating a fatal collision that occurred on Hwy. 104 in Linwood.

On February 13, at approximately 12:56 p.m., Antigonish County District RCMP, fire services, and EHS responded to a report of a two-vehicle collision on Hwy. 104 in Linwood. RCMP officers learned that a westbound Chevrolet Impala and an eastbound tractor trailer collided head on.

The driver and sole occupant of the Impala, a 55-year-old man from Antigonish County, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver of the tractor trailer, a 59-year-old man from Baddeck, suffered minor injuries.

An RCMP collision reconstructionist attended the scene and the investigation is ongoing. Hwy. 104 was closed for several hours but has since reopened.

Our thoughts are with the victim's loved ones at this difficult time.

For further information, visit the RCMP website


SOURCE www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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