RCMP investigates fatal crash in Salt Springs

Pictou County District RCMP is investigating a fatal crash that occurred in Salt Springs.

On February 20, at approximately 3:45 p.m., RCMP officers, fire services, and EHS responded to a report of an overturned vehicle in the river under Hwy. 104 near West River East Side Rd.

Responders located a Dodge Grand Caravan on its roof with two injured people inside. Fire services recovered the driver, a 75-year-old man, and the passenger, a 73-year-old woman, both of Cheticamp.

The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene. The man suffered life-threatening injuries and was transported to hospital via EHS LifeFlight.

The preliminary investigation is ongoing and is being assisted by the Nova Scotia RCMP Collision and Reconstruction Service team.

Anyone who witnessed the crash or has dashcam footage of a white Grand Caravan in the area on February 20 is asked to contact Pictou County District RCMP at 902-485-4333. To remain anonymous, call Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers, toll-free, at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), submit a secure web tip at www.crimestoppers.ns.ca, or use the P3 Tips app.

Our thoughts are with the victim's loved ones at this difficult time.

For further information, visit the RCMP website


SOURCE www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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