Sydney's NSCC campus looking to lease parking spaces from municipality

Campus will need 400 off-site parking spaces for new location

CBC NewsMatthew Moore

Nova Scotia Community College's new Sydney Waterfront Campus is looking to use parking at Centre 200 during school hours.

During a presentation to CBRM council earlier this week, officials from NSCC's Marconi Campus outlined the need for several hundred parking spaces in the downtown area.

The new campus is scheduled to open next September.

Upwards of 600 cars park on campus at the current location. The new design downtown includes a parking area that can fit more than 100 cars, but the Centre 200…


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Sydney's NSCC campus looking to lease parking spaces from municipality


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CBC NewsMatthew Moore, Posted: Nov 17, 2023 10:23 AM EST | Last Updated: 4 minutes ago
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Joe Ward Follow Me
Embarrassing. How do you design a new campus of this scale and this kind of investment and not have parking integrated into the design long before they ever break ground?
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
That's simple.They were too busy discussing the Santa Claus parade.

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