Where are Nova Scotia's best beaches? This man visited 149 to find the answer

Researcher Camilo Botero rated beaches based on their natural assets, location

CBC News

Have you ever wanted to walk the white sandy beaches of the Caribbean? Or swim in the clear blue waters off Southeast Asia?

Well, according to new information by a Colombian researcher who specializes in coastal management, Nova Scotians can skip the travel and just stay close to home.

"This should be on a slogan — you don't need to travel ... to visit awesome beaches," Camilo Botero told CBC Radio's Information Morning Halifax.

"You have here in Nova Scotia these awesome beaches. Maybe the water …


Read the full story on the CBC website

Where are Nova Scotia's best beaches? This man visited 149 to find the answer

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC News, Posted: Nov 21, 2023 11:00 AM EST | Last Updated: 10 minutes ago
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