Sacred Heart Developer Looking for Public Support

A great big heart-felt thank you to those who emailed CBRM in support of the newly-purposed, lovely Sacred Heart Church.
To those that did not get the chance, it is not too late. Please help me by emailing the CBRM planning department now, and share your support for the most elegant building on the island. This is the last hurdle to cross in the amendment procedure. CBRM want to hear that the public support this new venue to enable it to function without a parking lot.
The deadline to email is Friday, February 19th at 3:00pm. The email is [email protected]
I want to share my email to the CBRM Planning Department below:

Dear council and community,
My name is Kevin Colford. I was born in Whitney Pier and now reside in South Bar. I have built and renovated buildings my entire life. Some of you may know me from the work I’ve done transforming and restoring the former St. Andrew’s Church into the home of the Highland Arts Theatre and its Society.
In 2018, I purchased the former Sacred Heart Church with the intention to create a new event space and music venue in the heart of downtown Sydney. Since then, I have restored and emphasized the incredible architecture of the building and created a truly opulent space that stands to become a gem in the place we call home. 
First and foremost, I want to thank the council for their support and energy in taking the time to resolve this issue. As well as our community, for their vocal and passionate response to the potential of this project.
My dream and goal is to have a multifunctional space that can provide service and support to wedding ceremonies, celebrations of all kinds, dinner theatres, and even dinner/dances like those of days gone by - with bands headlining an evening including great local food and local entertainment. Not only will this create jobs for the staff of the building, it will also create more opportunity for the local businesses and artists we collaborate with. In a city where many “nights out” require a business that takes money out of our city, province or even country, this venue is a way to not only keep that money circulating here, but potentially draw in interest from off island and bring more commerce to our economy.
In terms of our community, I don’t believe we currently have a space available that is as beautiful as this. The space provides and exudes a presence full of heart and beauty that matches that of our island and its people. Aside from its historical and personal connection to our citizens, it is a space people will walk into and feel taken care of. Our weddings can match the majesty of the deeper meaning that day represents. Our entertainment can provide a safe space where people are encouraged and free to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate loved ones. Memories are perhaps the greatest treasures we hold in our lives, and we have every intention to support and elevate each and every memory built in our space.
In regards to the conversation around parking, I was recently reminded by a friend that, in 1952 a man named Tom Patterson came up with a proposition to use the arts to bring new life to the economy of his small town in Ontario. His idea? A theatre festival. His proposal was met with positive support from his government, similar to my project, but he was not as fortunate with the support of his community, as I have been with mine these past few months. His community was vocal with their negative feedback, citing concerns of parking and noise.
Luckily, the local government saw the potential of his proposal and with time, so did his community. Fast forward to 2021 and his project is known across the world as the Stratford Theatre Festival. Not just a booming source of economic stimulation for his community, but a real gem of his province and country.
Similarly, my goal is not just to have another space in the community, but one that is world class to reflect the talent that has historically grown, and continues to grow out of our island. Our piano, sound system, and lighting board? Top of the line. Our prep rooms for caterers and community collaborators? Industry standard and then some. Any touring professional would be happy to be met with the equipment and infrastructure I am offering, but more importantly, no local performer, creator, or collaborator will be limited by anything other than their own imagination.
There was a time when the former Sacred Heart Church consistently held five masses every weekend, plus funerals, weddings, and morning and evening mass throughout the week. It was regularly serving 1200 people seated in its pews, plus standing room. The congregation always found parking because 1200 people does not mean 1200 vehicles. People took cabs, they carpooled, they walked, they bussed, and there’s no reason to think the patrons of this new venue won’t do the same, just as they do at the HAT, Centre 200, or Cineplex. The main difference being, my venue at its full capacity will have about one third of the attendees the former church regularly saw.
Little has changed in the building itself, aside from a few enhancements. The hand carved and gold painted moldings prominently on display, the stained glass (fundraised for by the former congregation) still intact, the organ touched up and better than ever, the mighty pillars that provide the signature look of the building given a new coat of paint. The list goes on.
Additionally, the floors have been redone for safety and aesthetic purposes, providing a shining dance floor when needed. The bathrooms reimagined to match the beauty of the building itself, and the former vestry now home to an industry standard prep room for caterers. Aesthetic updates and upkeep to an unchanged structure. Every aspect of this space has been designed with the desire to remove stress from not only its guests, but the people who create, share and work under its roof. Creating ease for the workers in the building so they will feel taken care of and in turn provide the same level of care to every human that walks through our doors. A space truly available to be filled with the imagination of the planners, producers and dreamers that cross its path.
With all my heart, I believe in the power of community and hospitality. I have been the recipient, time and time again, of this community’s generosity and spirit of care. This is my gift in return, made with love, for the island I am so proud to call my home.
Thank you again for your time and support,
-Kevin Colford

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Please send an email to CBRM supporting the Sacred Heart project. Deadline: Friday, Feb.19th at 3pm.
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