Scott McIntyre Photography - Weddings & High School Seniors

Scott McIntyre Photography

My Story :

I have changed this page ( time and time again and won't ever be satisfied. I don't really enjoy talking about myself, and I have even thought about getting rid of this page entirely. But, in an effort to help you get a small idea of who I am, I'll leave it. Choosing a photographer for your wedding day is a daunting task, and getting to each other a little is important. I am a photographer, I shoot weddings, and high school seniors. My goal is to create images that will last lifetimes.

Over the years I have been lucky to work with so many amazing people, when I go through old hard drives and files of images I have created I am blown away by the thousands of people who have put their trust in me to photograph them. It is a very humbling experience to be honest and one that I am so grateful to have. Thank you.

I'm a husband to a very understanding and patient wife, a father to an incredible 10 year old boy, Ben. I have lived on Cape Breton Island my entire life and love it here. My wife and I own a CrossFit gym that is filled with the most amazing people you can fit under one roof. Keeping myself, my family and my community fit and healthy is one of the most important parts of my life.

I have been photographing weddings since 2004 when a close friend convinced me to start. I have been a part of almost every type of photography and wedding photography is my favorite. Over the last 12 years I have figured out exactly WHO I am as a photographer, it has been a long road.

If you can see yourself in my photographs then we should work together, if you have questions please feel free to send me an email and let's chat. Email me at: [email protected]

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