It’s almost a year since Second Wind Community Concert Band was told that the venue where they rehearsed would need to be shut down indefinitely due to this new virus called COVID. Once the group realized they may not return for months, it was decided they would get together with the new medium to them called ‘Zoom’.
Their conductors and artistic team, which is Laura Mercer, Margaret Miles, Michele Xidos and Sarah MacDonald would talk about on-line techniques of playing duets with another, their pieces, what to work on with their charts, keep tabs on how each other was doing. Conductor Laura Mercer would talk about aspects of the charts they were getting ready for their June concert. She wanted them to keep at it and motivated.
As no end was in sight and venues were closed to them, they came up with a plan to record one of the charts they were working on, with the technical help of one of their members, Zachary Fraser. Individual members made a recording of themselves both audio and video and sent it to Zach. Then he mixed it and got it ready for release in June on the day when they were scheduled to do their final concert for the season. It turned out great.
You can find the 3-minute recording on YouTube by typing in Cape St. Mary’s followed by Second Wind Community Band. This project kept them playing and kept the group encouraged to keep up with their music. Here’s the link
They took the summer months off and were anticipating starting afresh in the fall only to find out they still could not go back to their rehearsal space. So, the group looked for a space and found it in one of the sanctuary’s in Sydney. They got back to in person rehearsals.
They did another first and hosted their annual ‘Cape Breton Community BandFest’ in October with special guest conductors for like-minded players from around the Maritimes on line. It was a success, well attended to the surprise of the group and it inspired other groups from around the province to find ways to keep their music going.
Second Wind has been rehearsing since this pandemic started and haven’t stopped except for their normal summer break. They rehearse on Thursdays and approximately two thirds of the members come out to the in-person rehearsals, following all the protocols, along with some members joining them on zoom. They have figured it out.
It’s a great news story of folk maintaining the mantra ‘Music For Life’ and in this case the members felt it gave them life and something to work towards. It gave them connection through the lockdowns. They figured out new ways to deliver the rehearsals and the process of learning and appreciating their music they so enjoy and kept making music. They are having fun and sounding great.
They are looking forward to the day where they can perform again and to all, know they are being as supportive as they can to their favourite community groups and can’t wait to be back performing on stage. But in the mean time they are rehearsing weekly at the Harvest Community Church and are so grateful to this group for saying yes to the band. It’s a wonderful relationship and the space allows them to do the proper social distancing and follow the protocols outlined by the science, studies and regulations.
The band had to shuffle during this Covid but they are as strong as ever. If you want more information about Second Wind contact their conductor Laura Mercer and she would be only to happy to tell you more about them. [email protected]
Check out their recording of Cape St. Mary’s arranged by Jim Duff and played by the Second Wind Community Concert Band.
Contact information:
Laura Mercer (902)578-9462
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