Senator Christmas Votes In Favor For Bill - C11. NSEF Asks Why?

Hello to all. the following letter has been sent to Senator Dan Christmas. We monitor how our Senators and Members of Parliament are voting on bill. We were concerned about how Senator Christmas voted on Bill C-11.

We have emailed Senator Christmas today and we will let you know as soon as he replies but we are concerned to say the least. We have included a few links below for you to read and watch some information on Bill C-11.

Here is the letter sent today:

Dear Senator Christmas.

How democratic is Bill C-11? Are the advocacy efforts of organizations, such as the Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness, going to be muzzled for speaking the truth against both levels of government here in Canada. We find it interesting that not one politician, who is currently in power, will sit down and discuss with our group how equalization is being spent and used in Nova Scotia and now there is a bill that is designed to silence our content on this matter. That is alarming Senator Christmas.

You, yourself, have made the comment that “Cape Breton is dying, we are slowly bleeding to death” and it was shortly after that statement that the NSEF ramped up its efforts to hold the government accountable in Nova Scotia for how the equalization funding is spent in this province. Anyone who has traveled to the capitol region of Nova Scotia (HRM) can clearly see how this funding is spent. Karen Casey bragged about spending a $230 million surplus of equalization on a new convention center and museum for the HRM, in the newspaper. The HRM does not generate any equalization for Nova Scotia with their strong fiscal capacity.

Senator Christmas, I am concerned about two things. The first is why you are voting in favor of Bill C-11 that is designed to stop certain content from being seen by Canadians and secondly, I am concerned about why you are not discussing how you are voting, with the groups and content creators, in Cape Breton. We expect Senators and the Members of Parliament, who represent Cape Bretoners, to communicate with us about why you are voting the way you are in the Senate and Parliament. Does that not sound like a democratic process to you?

Having Canadian content advertised on streaming platforms such as Netflix in my view is a good idea but when the content that is created by a group such as the NSEF, that uses 100% of the government’s figures and facts, and that content is muzzled from the citizens of Canada having the opportunity to see this content, is very concerning.

I will await your reply and publish it in the same manner that this letter is published for the community to see, and I do look forward to a reply to this letter. As two people from Cape Breton who fight for a better life for our fellow citizens, I hope you will take the time to address my concerns in this letter. Given the powers granted to the CRTC under this bill, Senator, in what ways will open government be subject to full transparency and accountability for Canadian democracy? Why is the Canadian Government trying to put controls on what Canadians see and hear on the internet?


Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun PhD &
The Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness

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