SEO 101: How to Rank Your Business on Google

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SEO 101: How to Rank Your Business on Google Is your business listed on Google? Is it positioned in the top three search results? Google continues to play an important role in digital marketing, yet many entrepreneurs struggle to compete and rank their businesses online. Colin MacInnis is joining us from Marketing Qualified on Wednesday, July 10, to help founders rank their businesses. Colin will review three components of SEO and how business owners can quickly rank their websites for local search queries. • Introduction to Google My Business: Registering, Listing, Updating, and Optimizing • Introduction to Google Search Console: Sitemaps, Bots, Machine Learning for SEO • On-Page Optimization: What to Include on Your Homepage and Webpages Wednesday, July 10, 2019 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (lunch will be provided) Navigate Startup House 103 – 37 Nepean Street, Sydney RSVP to Holly Chisholm at [email protected] by Tuesday, July 9.

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Colin MacInnis is joining us from Marketing Qualified on Wednesday, July 10, to help founders rank their businesses.
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Brian Linden Follow Me
Or you could just use wordpress and install Jetpack, which will do the meta tag work for you to push you to the top 3.
Joe Ward Follow Me
For businesses that need local search traffic, the Google "My Business" set up is essential. It used to be referred to as just "Google Local" from what I recall.
Brian Linden Follow Me
Yea, you aren't wrong, but if you use your google account to sign into JetPack for wordpress it does most of the optimization for you. This especially applies to google accounts that have already created their business profile. Creating a business profile on Google is as simple as it comes. It's so simple that I don't charge my business clients to set it up for them, takes about 5 minutes if you already have a google account, 10 if the account needs to be created.
Colin MacInnis Follow Me
Hey Brian, if you can guarantee me position 3 using the default plugins on Wordpress site, I’ll happily hire you! If interested, send me an email at: [email protected] Cheers
Brian Linden Follow Me
First, you can't afford me, you'd have to buy out my business, which does SEO for companies on contract. For a local small business, in a market as small as this, as long as you actively remind customers to rate you on your social media platforms, you don't require any additional work to get to the top 3 spots. Google walks you through the best practices when you set up your business accounts, and companies that charge people to learn about this stuff are LITERALLY stealing from small businesses.
Colin MacInnis Follow Me
Hmm that's disappointing. We're located in Sydney, but are working with businesses around North America. Nevertheless, thank you for your insights. All the best with your business in the future!

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