ServiCom: On the Borderline

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On Thursday, December 6, 2018, the ServiCom call center in Cape Breton was shut down without warning, throwing 600+ Cape Bretoners out of work less than three weeks before Christmas.

The following Monday, former ServiCom Center Director, Todd Riley, called a meeting for all former employees to discuss the wonderful support we have received from our local community, and to inform us of everything he is trying to do for us to secure our future long term.

This is that meeting.

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The ServiCom call center in Sydney has abruptly been closed. What are the next steps of the 600+ people now out of work?
Demographic Family Events Meetings, Networking Location CBRM


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Joe Ward Follow Me
John, were employees initially told that the prospective buyer visiting the facility was an AT&T representative? Were staff given any indication beforehand that an actual acquisition was being explored and what would happen in the event that deal didn't go through? Also, is the Christmas bonus still being considered a component of the pays that are owed to employees?
John A. Ardelli My Post Follow Me
No; we weren't even told his name (though I did meet him). Yes, that an acquisition was being explored; no on what would happen if it fell through. Unknown.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Thank you for following up, John.
John A. Ardelli My Post Follow Me
No problem. I'm trying to keep up with everything but, as you might imagine, it's a deluge of comments from all sides, Facebook, Go Cape Breton, YouTube etc. (mostly Facebook but there's a LOT of it). If you comment and I don't follow up right away hang tight; I probably haven't seen it yet in the flood of stuff. If it's important and you want me to see it right away just drop me a line at [email protected]; most people are contacting me through Facebook so a direct email will tend to stand out. 😄

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