Sidney Crosby Mentions Cape Breton In Chat With Fleury [VIDEO]

The Pittsburgh Penguins uploaded a video of long-time friends and former teammates, Sidney Crosby and Marc-Andre Fleury. During their brief chat, Sidney Crosby mentions that many Cape Breton fans were there for the game.

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Debra McNeil Follow Me
We were the Cape Bretoners there for the game. Debbie Oliver of Rerseve Mines chatted with Sid the day before the game while her son got his autograph. Thats how he knew we were there. He (along with other players) stopped on game day to autograph jerseys and flags for my nephew and Debbie's son. It was a treat for all of us. What a great experience for those two GBMH players 😀
Jody Deagle Follow Me
Sid is still the best hockey player on the planet untill macda id wins 3 stanley cups he will remain number 2

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