
Update: So long, Super Sexy Chicken Sign

Update!: I have been in touch with the owners of the Super Sexy Chicken Sign. It turns out they had to add brackets to the sign to secure it in case of heavy winds. It turns out Cape Breton can handle the Chickens!

Someone did throw a jar of mayonnaise at it though, which is awesome.

If you've driven into Sydney from the Louisbourg Highway in the past few months, you've probably seen two new faces greeting you as you've entered the Sydney Area. They are two super sexy, anthropomorphic chickens advertising the fine foods at the soon to open "My Father's Kitchen" seen below:

Super sexy anthropomorphic Chickens, with an added bonus

of a super sexy donair wielding Poseidon.

Now, they say fortune favors the bold, and if true, "My Father's Kitchen" is about to become the most successful restaurant in Cape Breton history. I can think of no bolder strategy to get people to eat your chicken, than making them physically attracted to them. To think that the talented artist who created this masterpiece had to ask himself "How big should I draw these chicken breasts," or "How would rooster biceps look if roosters had biceps?" It's all truly inspiring.

But all is not well in the land of super sexy anthropomorphic chickens. Recently, this homegrown work of art has been butchered, much like the chickens on your plate at supper time, and now, coming into Sydney, you are only greeted by this:

But what about the legs and thighs!?

Why Sydney had to witness this unfortunate defacement of modern art is unknown, but we can only be sure of one thing. Someone could not handle the chickens.

I actually did not get a picture of the full and intact Super Sexy Chicken Sign. I had to recreate it from the discarded bottom half, leaning against the soon to be restaurant seen below: 

Oh, the humanity!

This was the last known location of their sinfully fowl bodies. It is only through the modern miracle of graphics software that we can even begin to capture the former glory of this fully intact piece of art.

Yet certain questions remain. Who was it that could not handle the super sexy chickens? What led to the brutal desexifying of our provocative poultry welcome party? Is being sexually attracted to your food make it taste better?

And really, what is offensive about this? Is it sexist? I don't think so. It seems to me both chickens are enjoying an equal amount of objectification. And we humans love objectifying chickens. It's why we turn them into nuggets. If anything, the roided up rooster (could have used a different word) is being objectified by the hen, but he doesn't seem to mind at all.

Is it racist? I mean, they are yellow chickens, and there are white chickens and brown chickens, but I don't think humans have adequately stereotyped chickens to be sufficiently racist towards them. If anyone has horribly unsubstantiated chicken stereotypes, please include them in the comments below, so I can know which of you are awful people.

Was this done on political or religious grounds? Well, no. They're chickens. Don't be silly.

This only leaves us with one conclusion. This was a clear crime of jealousy. Whether it was due to the hens succulent thighs, or the roosters sculpted abs, someone in Cape Breton could not take the fact that fictional chickens were causing more lust in the world than they were. 

Whether this was done by someone within the organization, or a late-night hooligan is unknown, because I didn't ask, because I'm not a journalist. But we do know SOMEONE took to the saw and censored the titillating gaggle. All the while, throwing the double-standard of super sexy 
Poseidon in our face, knowing full well chickens should have equal rights to Greek gods.

I thought we were past this Sydney. I thought we could handle the chickens. I thought we turned a corner. Turns out I was wrong.

The horror.

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You can't handle the chickens.
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Sean Stewart Follow Me
Pretty impressive Photoshop skills, Rory!
Darren Bartlett Follow Me
I am one of my the creator's / painter,s of " The Chickens " ( along with KJ MacDonald ) and all I can tell everyone is that the chickens WILL LIVE AGAIN !!!!!!
Rory Andrews My Post Follow Me
YES! I am PRO sexy chickens!
Gwen Andrews Follow Me
How is anthropomorphising chickens any worse than anthropomorphising grey haired men with abs - in Cape Breton, yet? I say we shoot Poseidon.
Ian McNeil Follow Me
As Bob Dylan said in Tombstone Blues, "the sky's not yellow. It's chicken." Thanks Rory for this crisis alert.
[comment deleted] Posted
Dan Yakimchuk Follow Me
Cape Breton has always had a sexist attitude when it comes to chicken, and that attitude is reflected in the core of the islands business empire. As a child, Dr. StrangeJob had pleasant memories of being taken on family outings to A&K Lick-a-Chick in Little Bras d’Or. As they drove towards their destination, his mind would remain focused on the succulent taste of those legs, breasts, and thighs. It wasn’t until he reached adolescence that the mere mention of A&K Lick-A-Chick brought forward a whole different set of inner cravings. Now, as Dr. StrangeJob is heading past his prime, his mind now turns to other uses of chicken parts, particularly the feathers. www.drstrangejob.ca

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