Solar Energy Companies Raising Alarm Over NSP Metering Proposal

Solar energy company Sun Kissed Energy is raising the alarm over Nova Scotia Power's application to change the net metering agreement, saying it will kill the solar power industry in Nova Scotia.

"NSP is applying to have future customers, who generate their own electricity, to pay an additional fee per month depending upon their system size ($8 per Kw).

If you have a solar system that generates 10,000 kW per year, they will charge you $80 per month. You would be supplying NSP with your unused power, and you will be paying them so they can use YOUR electricity." 

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Tars MacEachern Follow Me
Completely ridiculous for anyone that took the initiative to go off grid and generate their own power that the power does not belong to them. If I took the expense to plant a garden should I have to pay if someone wanted fresh vegetables? Should be me receiving the money. Sounds like Robert to me.

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