Some Councillors Not Happy With NSEF Presentation

Well, here is the video of the NSEF presentation to mayor and council. A few councillors had a problem with our statement of “inaction” from the CBRM. The NSEF presentation is right around the beginning and continues for about an hour. The mayor was silent, and a few councillors got defensive over our comments that they were not taking this issue of equalization fairness, seriously. It is time for the public to get more involved to protect our constitutional rights and we will keep a close eye on the CBRM council to see if they follow through with the complaints that need to be filed. Please tell us what your thoughts are, and this one is important because the politicians are paying attention right here on this page to see what you will say. We thank Kim Sheppard-Campbell for the motion and the support. Here is the video:

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Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Nova Scotia Equalization Fairness We have presented the CBRM mayor and council with 4 items they can act upon right now, to seek fairness. Some councillors took great offence to us stating the word "inaction". This refers to all politicians from councillors to MLAs and MPs. If our political representatives choose to ignore and not file the complaints, then we the people must step in and file our own complaints. Here is what we expect our representatives to do: 1. File a Charter of Rights and Freedom challenge 2. Make a Human Rights complaint 3. Contact the Auditor General’s office and complain about the tax rates 4. Contact the Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Charles Sampson The fact the federal government has been sending every year an increasing municipal funding that municipalities have never received was the message from the NSEF members “which was totally ignored by the press and the mayor and most councillors.” The NSEF reporting on the factual unconstitutional legal manipulations by the N.S. Appeal Court overruling the Supreme Court of Canada and ignoring the law expressed in legal scholar Aymen Nader’s correct interpretation of section 36(1)(c)which states the federal government’s “unconditional“ transfer is “illegal” or “unconstitutional” was also ignored. These are observations by the NSEF members of how the residents are NOT being represented by ALL levels of government - including this CBRM council.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Matt Gardiner Part 1 The councilors have no right to get their backs up when you mention their inaction on this subject. Every single politician, of all flavors, is guilty of neglecting this issue. The importance of CBRM receiving its fair share( and what we should have received for the past 30 years in backpay) is an incredible amount of financial help this area desperately needs! Waste, back-room pocket padding, and buddy-buddy dealing has misguided so much of our tax dollars through government hands for so long. Government politicians, no matter what level you are elected to, are there for one reason, and one reason represent the needs and wants of the people whom elected you! There is no other responsibility. The party is dead to you. You must remain a Stewart of the people always, not party red, blue, orange,or green. So here we have "councilors", elected by the people, to do their bidding. They have not done so, and are getting their backs up because the people called them on it! Shame! Shame on them. Shame on the whole lot of folks we've had in politics for Cape Breton and CBRM for so so long now. Because of their actions, people lost their livelihoods, their homes, their families, their lives. People left Cape Breton in droves when the government closed Sydney Steel, when the government closed our coal mines, when the government cut and muddled in our fishing industry. Then they try to pat themselves on their collective backs when they swoop in with money to pull the wool over our collective eyes by covering up the Sydney steel mess, and the coal mine sites, and don't forget burying bunker c oil in the ground improperly.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Matt Gardiner Part 2 This operating grant both CBRM and the Province keep referring to is nonsense. There should be equalization payment to....Enough pussyfooting around. We want our money, and we want it now! Child poverty could be significantly reduced here. We could one for one tear down and rebuild our coal company homes through all areas of CBRM for new duplexes in their place, to eradicate our housing issues, and clean up communities at the same time. We need sewer and water infrastructure work through the whole municipality desperately. We need to buy the rail line and turn the whole lot of it into multiple trails with bridge and trails repaired to accommodate sxs/atv riders from all over and boom our tourism industry across the whole island. There is so much good we could do with proper funding for our Island and our people. Thing is, we don't have the proper representation to get er done.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Nova Scotia Equalization Fairness Matt Gardiner Here Here Matt.....Why has no effort been made in the past 30 years to replace the steel plant with an industry to employee people? Why do they keep the funding that we generate? Why does the provincial government only invest in infrastructure that does not generate tax revenue for the CBRM (new NSCC, new hospital, etc.) This is all done by design to….. keep us poor to generate more.....Every year Halifax changes so much that we don't recognize the place. Why focus all the development there? This province is a wheel with Halifax at the center and the rest are the spokes. Well, those spokes are weakening and weakening fast. Our politicians must stop being run by businesspeople who have their investments in downtown Halifax and start to represent the entire province.
Joe Ward Follow Me
If you’re not inactive, but lack achievement, remove “active”, replace with “effective.”: Ineffective

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