Sport and Social Club CBRM

The Sport and Social Club CBRM (SSCC) is a non-profit organization with a dream of making it easier for young adults (19+) to build connections, find friends, and get active. Sports and social events are important to the fabric of our community, but it can be difficult to find activities to do and friends to do them with. From the beginning, the SSCC has intended to be a place that takes down barriers and brings people together through welcoming, fun-first, co-ed sports and events.

Recent SSCC activities include sports like ultimate frisbee, soccer, kickball, spikeball, and floor hockey as well as events such as board game nights in partnership with Island Folk Cider House. For more information about current offerings, check out our website and social media.

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SSCC offers welcoming, fun-first, and co-ed sports and social events for adults (19+).
Directory Sports, Fitness, Recreation Leagues, Clubs Location CBRM Location CBRM Sydney Sport Other Sport Soccer Sport Ultimate Frisbee


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