St. Mary's Polish Church OPEN HOUSE this Sunday

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Dear Friends, 
With gratitude for your support and friendship, we would like to invite you to the Open House for the rebuilt St. Mary's Polish Church!
It will be held this Sunday, June 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the church (21 Wesley St., Whitney Pier).
Although work will continue over the summer and fall, we are just days away from being able to start moving in.
Everyone at the open house will be invited to write a message for the time capsule. Artifacts that were found in the old time capsule will be on display.
There will be a chance to meet and acknowledge the construction workers and contractors - who have done an excellent job - including a group photo of them.
We will also have the presentation of a Nova Scotia heritage plaque for the church. St. Mary's Polish Church's provincial heritage designation, which was put in place in 1984, has been retained.
We can't express enough our deep appreciation to all of Cape Breton - and to people around the world -- for the kindness and generosity. Without God's help and yours, this would not have been possible. There is a Polish expression - "Gość w dom, Bóg w dom" ("when a guest is in the house, God is in the house"). Please know that you are also considered family. Everyone is welcome.
Bóg zapłać i pozdrawiam,
Tom Urbaniak
St. Mary's Polish Parish

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The Open House will be held on Sunday, June 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the church (21 Wesley St., Whitney Pier, NS).
Demographic Family Events Open Houses, Grand Openings, Receptions, Tours Location CBRM Sydney Whitney Pier


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