Stephen McNeil's Inner Circle - An opinion by Jason MacLean

Jason MacLean, president of the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union, has written an opinion piece on Stephen McNeil's inner circle for the Halifax Local Xpress:


A recent poll conducted in the wake of the international Panama Papers tax evasion scandal showed that an overwhelming majority of Canadians believe there are actually two sets of rules in our world — one for rich people, and one for everybody else.

Well, there are definitely two rule books being followed here in Nova Scotia: one if you’re just an average working-class Nova Scotian, and another if you happen to be in Premier Stephen McNeil’s inner circle.

For the full article see OPINION: McNeil's entourage rakes in dough while average folks fall behind

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Jason MacLean, president of the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union, has written an opinion piece on Stephen McNeil's inner circle
Gov Political Commentary


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Joe Ward Follow Me
I'm not sure there's a political party in existence that doesn't have an inner circle that they unfairly reward. It's discouraging, but par for the course. As Liberal leaning voter, I still recognize some issues with McNeil, and can find common ground with NPD influenced criticism. For me, it's less so an issue regarding making tough decisions in challenging times. But the Younger tapes with Kirby McVicar sure do raise eyebrows, and fertilize frowns for maximum growth. If MacLean looked closer to home, he'd find the same thing here at the CBRM. The only fortunate part of things for working class folks is that if you examine the salaries of our teachers, nurses, police officers, and university professors, I don't think you'll find many of them that will stress over whether they should go with the single or double piece fish and chips - or have difficultly putting something aside for the annual all inclusive fiesta in Punta Cana. They're doing ok. But there are others struggling to get by. And MacLean is right to call out our premier on handing out raises to his friends. I'd love to get his opinion on what Cecil Clarke is paying Marlene Usher. When it comes to "port development", you might say she doesn't quite "have her ticket" in the qualification sense, but perhaps the golden one, in the chocolate factory sense. As a side note, it just occurred to be to wonder if the model of taking care of your inner circle should be all that foreign a concept to union leaders? Isn't taking care of your own more or less the mantra? Intended to be reflective, not sarcastic.

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