Students Living in Halifax, Driving to CBU Weekly—E82 [VIDEO]

Episode 82 of a Cape Breton Podcast with Joe Ward, Boxer Shorts Media. 

For a while, I heard comments about Cape Breton University students living in Halifax and driving back and forth from Sydney weekly for classes. I thought it had a hint of BS, or perhaps was something in the beginning stages of landing in the realm of an urban legend. However, the Cape Breton Post provided confirmation back in October, describing one student's struggles. I also recently happened upon a video from a CBU student and vlogger ('VANS CREATION 4K') who gave advice on how it's possible to survive this arrangement, to help other students who are actually considering it.

The key motivation is a lack of housing and employment opportunities in the CBRM. And, these incredibly tenacious students are actually willing to go to these extremes to complete their studies at CBU, using a schedule jamming strategy that requires all of their classes to be completed in 1 or 2 days. This allows them to spend the rest of the week living and working in Halifax. There are reasons for concern, including both the impact on the quality of their education, and also the safety of commuting weekly—especially during the winter months.


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