Supporting those affected by inflammatory bowel disease

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada is the only national, volunteer-based charity focused on finding the cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and improving the lives of children and adults affected by these diseases.

We are one of the top two health charity funders of Crohn’s and colitis research in the world, investing over $140 million in research since 1974, leading to important breakthroughs in genetics, gut microbes, inflammation and cell repair as well as laying the groundwork for new and better treatments.

We are transforming the lives of people affected by Crohn’s and colitis (the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease) through research, patient programs, advocacy, and awareness.

Everything that we do is centred on improving the lives of children and adults living with Crohn’s and colitis, and ultimately finding cures.

For more than 48 years, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada has led the way in giving Canadians affected by these diseases hope for a cure, support and education, and a community that understands. Read our Annual Report to learn more about our recent achievements. Watch our video to see how we've changed the future for so many Canadians through past efforts.

We are focused on delivering impact as we aspire to fulfill our Promise: to find the cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and to improve the quality of life of everyone affected by these diseases.

  • Accelerating research
  • Supporting people affected by IBD
  • Driving system change
  • Increasing awareness

Learn more by visiting our website:

Or reach out:

Dawna MacIvor (she/her)
Coordinator, Development and Community Engagement, Atlantic
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada

PO Box 59, Waterville, NS  B0P 1V0

T: 902-210-4554 | TF: 1-800-265-1101

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