Sydney 1 of 4 Finalists for Kraft Hockeyville VOTE MAY 6 [VIDEO]

Did you hear the news? 
The CBU Women’s CAPERS Hockey Team and the Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association have Sydney in the final 4 communities in Canada vying for the title of Kraft Hockeyville 2022! The winning hometown will receive $250,000 toward arena upgrades and a live NHL pre-season game at a local arena.
If we are the successful hometown, the grand prize money will be used for updates at the Canada Games Complex on the Cape Breton University campus, which will turn that rink into the home for women’s hockey. Currently, women and girls do not have a designated home arena and have zero hours of prime time ice in CBRM facilities. They are given the times that are left over once the already established men’s and boy’s ice times are scheduled. 
Imagine a rink dedicated to girl’s and women’s teams. It will be unique in Canada!
Winning Kraft Hockeyville will give our teams a home and our community would host a pre-season NHL game at Centre 200 in Sydney, something that hasn't happened in over 30 years!
How to Vote
First, register to vote TODAY at so you're all ready to go on Friday!
Then click the link at the bottom as voting begins tomorrow, May 6th at 10am AST and continues until 6pm on May 7th. And the best part? You can vote as many times as humanly possible during that time. When you're between meetings, at lunch, replying to emails, or want to kill an hour of work at the end of the day (this is only time we'd condone that behaviour), and when you're done work, at restaurants, pubs, or wherever your evening takes you....VOTE VOTE VOTE!
Friday is also Jersey Day in the CBRM, so we're encouraging businesses to wear your favourite jersey, and we're also encouraging all businesses to "Hockeyville"-up your place of business; decorate your windows, offices, and let's show our community support!
Watch the VIDEO below

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Voting begins May 6th at 10am AST and continues until 6pm on May 7th. You can vote more than once!
Sports Recreational


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