Sydney Author Publishes New Thriller October 25th

Published on October 25th, Discern is the first novel by Sydney author Emily Sneddon. Set in Utah, Discern is a suspenseful thriller in which highschooler Savannah Blake is kidnapped and must fight for her own life. 


What's important to you? What would cross your mind as you stare down the barrel of a gun? 

The Avenues is an upscale neighborhood in the north-east part of Salt Lake City. Savannah Blake attends a prestigious, private high school nearby and is royalty among her wealthy friends. 

One day, Savannah's biggest concerns include which parties to attend and which boys to date. The next, she must fight for her own life. 

Taken from her home. Taken from her friends and family. The last thing on her mind is which dress to wear to formal.

Discern has been published by Olympia Publishers in London, UK, and can be purchased at

Emily Sneddon was born and raised in Utah, alongside her two older brothers. Her parents were high school sweethearts and they sent Emily to the same high school where they first met. Emily then graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication from the University of Utah, which is where she met her husband. They now reside in Sydney, NS, and Emily continues to write stories while taking care of their children.

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One day, Savannah's biggest concerns include which parties to attend and which boys to date. The next, she must fight for her own life.
A&E Books & Writing


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