Sydney Company Launches Kickstarter Crowdfunding For TYPING Game

Sydney, NS based MediaSpark has launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for its newest product - GoVenture Typing.

GoVenture Typing is a fun and engaging game that teaches keyboarding to beginners and reinforces proper technique for experienced typists. The game combines fantasy-genre storytelling, like Game of Thrones and Lord Of The Rings, to create an epic quest where survival and success depend on your keyboarding skills.

A prototype demo has been created and is now available on Kickstarter to gather feedback from the public. The Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign allows you to submit feedback, pre-purchase the game at a big discount, and vote for your favourite school to win a free version of the game when it’s completed this summer.

MediaSpark is looking to build on its past success by adding this new typing game to its GoVenture product line. GoVenture is one of the original and most widely used series of educational games and simulations in the world, reaching thousands of schools and over 1 million people.

Visit the Kickstarter website for GoVenture Typing

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