Sydney MegaPort takes center stage at Cairo conference

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NOVAPORTE takes center stage at Cairo conference



Cairo, Egypt, February 29, 2016 —The Novaporte container port and transhipment hub proposed for the Port of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada was showcased at the Suez Canal Global Conference. The conference, hosted by the Suez Canal Authority, is the first international navigation conference for the Suez Canal. The conference began on Monday, February 22, and was opened by Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail and Admiral Mohab Mamish, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority.

Port of Sydney CEO Marlene Usher attended as a guest of conference organizers, describing the Novaporte project as  “transformative opportunity to connect China’s One Belt One Road transportation strategy directly to North American markets through a container port and transshipment hub at the Port of Sydney”.

Novaporte boasts a 16.5 metre deep water unobstructed harbour adjacent to 2,000 acres of developable land connected to the North American rail system.  Usher told delegates that when completed, Novaporte will be the most modern, efficient, lowest cost port in North America. Novaporte is a shovel-ready development with all environmental permits and Aboriginal agreements in place. Novaporte will be located within a Government of Canada designated Foreign Trade Zone.

Dr. Hazem Ghonima of TAF consultants, a keynote speaker the conference, centered his presentation on the logistical advantage of a super container hub. He highlighted the strategic opportunities for Sydney’s Novaporte to partner with the Suez Canal Authority to offer global shippers a competitive route from Asia to North America via Europe.

Albert Barbusci of Harbor Port Development Partners represented the Port of Sydney development opportunity at the conference. “The maritime world is here at this conference and the strategic relationship between the Suez Canal and Novaporte is featured as a keynote address. That's exciting,” said Barbusci.

Usher and Barbusci met with the head of the Suez Canal Authority, Admiral Mohab Mamish. Barbusci described the meeting as an “important connection as we bring together the global interests to build Novaporte”.

Barbusci said he hopes to further discussions with Suez officials over the coming months. Several global firms are partners and supporters of the Novaporte project including China Communications and Construction Company, US engineering firm Bechtel, railway partners Genesee & Wyoming via their subsidiary Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia Railway and Canadian real estate development company Canderel. The Port of Sydney is home to marine services companies McKeil Marine and Canadian Maritime Engineering, ferry service Marine Atlantic and bulk-materials handling facilities owned by Provincial Energy Ventures and Logistec.

More information about the conference:


About Harbor Port Development Partners

Harbor Port Development Partners was established specifically to develop and market Sydney's new deep water container port and adjacent logistics park. HPDP is charged with assembling a consortium of marine and financial service partners to realize this important project. HPDP is in discussion with port operators, investment houses, banks, developers, port technology providers, marine engineering specialists and shipping lines in Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Recently, HPDP played a role in attracting McKeil Marine and their partner Heddle Marine to the Sydney Harbour.​


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