SYDNEY pharmacist to be featured on CTV's Marilyn Denis

Pharmacists care about your mental health.

Just ask Medicine Shoppe pharmacist Hugh Toner. He’s spent his career advocating for his patients’ mental wellness.

SYDNEY pharmacist, Hugh Toner, was featured in The Globe and Mail discussing his personal struggles with mental health and how pharmacists can help YOU to manage your mental health and wellness.

Hugh will also appear as a guest on the NATIONAL CTV lifestyle show, Marilyn Denis, on the same topic on Wednesday, May 10th. He is the owner of two independently owned Medicine Shoppe pharmacies in the SYDNEY area. One at 288 Welton Street and the other in the Medical Arts Building on Kings Road. Read the attached Globe and Mail article, tune in on Wednesday, and come by to learn more! 

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SYDNEY pharmacist, Hugh Toner, featured in The Globe and Mail discussing his person mental health story and how pharmacists can help manage YOUR mental health.
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