Sydney Restaurant Says It'll Offer Free Meals For People In Need

The Jailhouse Eatery team plan to provide free meals for people who are "down on their luck" after being inspired recently. One of their team members bought a meal and a coffee for a man out in the cold in Sydney, and it "hit home".

The owner has decided to offer a meal free of charge whenever they see people they see down on their luck.

"We have to start helping more and make this world a better place there is No Reason Hunger Should Exist !"

The Jailhouse Eatery is a new restaurant coming to Sydney but is not yet open for business.

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Marci Keats Rudolph Follow Me
Acting locally to make this world and our community a better place! <3
Jodi Mackay Follow Me
I've been trying now 4 a bit off and on 4 a number and a menu? Can anyone point me in the right direction plz & ty
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Jodi, the Patty Wagon (which seems to have made this original post) facebook page has this number: (902) 539-5245 And this menu posted a few days ago (but again this may be for the Wagon not the Jailhouse):

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