Sydney-Victoria Federal Liberal Nominee field stands at 4

Liberal nominees; Sydney-Victoria, NS:

Jaime Battiste (40) Writer, researcher, historian, activist. LLB, Bachelor of Laws.
Caleb Gibbons (52) International banker & entrepreneur. MBA, Master of Business Administration (Finance/International Business), CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst.
Earlene MacMullin (43) Confidential administrative assistant, Marine Atlantic. CBRM Councillor (District 2). NSCC, Office Administration.
Jon Yazer (30's) Policy research & community engagement. MA, Master of Arts (International/Global Studies).
The nomination vote date has not been set, but I expect it will be held by the end of June. The venue for the nomination vote has not been set yet. The vote is done via preferential ballot. Voters (i.e. Liberal Party members living in the riding) rank candidates in order of preference. Votes are first awarded to the candidate each voter selected as their first choice. This process continues until one candidate has 50% plus one of the votes. The candidate with the least amount of votes is dropped from the ballot, assuming no candidate achieves 50%+1 in the 1st round. Several recent nomination votes have gone 3 rounds to determine a winner.
Liberal Party membership is good for 3 years. There is no charge to sign up. It is important that we all get involved in our democracies. Your vote counts; A tie is broken via a coin toss. The more Liberal Party members come out to vote, the smaller the chances that a coin toss determines your Liberal Candidate. There should be upwards of 2,000 votes cast with 4 running. Physical attendance at the meeting is required.
Good fortune often results when opportunity meets preparedness. Looking to serve as your voice in Ottawa, Caleb Gibbons, #JCG19

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Registered Liberal Party members in Sydney-Victoria will soon be selecting their candidate for the October 2019 Federal election
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Kel donovan Follow Me
Never vote liberal again!Disgusting moves trudeau has made!
caleb gibbons My Post Follow Me
Kel, Each to their own, it is a democracy. I, for one, do not think Canada is ready to go as hard right as Andrew Scheer would take the country come October. It would make for a hard candy Christmas in Cape Breton if it did come to pass (look no further than Doug Ford's scorched earth Ontario). Elizabeth May's Green party may well outperform the NDP in seat count and she has indicated a willingness to work with PM Trudeau to keep Conservatives in their favoured position (i.e. opposition). Caleb #JCG

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