Sydney's PvP Gamers Dungeon Closing Its Doors September 1st

Sydney company, PvP Gamers Dungeon has announced that they are closing on September 1st. They first opened in November 2015, providing a "full-service game lounge featuring the latest in consoles and gaming equipment."

They expressed gratitude to their customers for the last four years and are now offering discounts for their remaining two weeks of operation.

Also included in the post is a price list of computer and gaming equipment that is now available for purchase.

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Keith MacDonald Follow Me
Gaming lounges are a necessity to every community. When multiplayer games went online in the mid 2000s, there was a transition from kids gathering in the living room to each person sitting in their own bedroom communicating over mic. Gaming lounges allow for people to play games with their friends in the same room, since modern games don't provide that luxury anymore. It was a great place for birthday parties, and some groups like the CBU Gaming Society attended "lock-ins" which were overnight parties. I thought that PvP was supposed to be the first step to setting up Twitch streaming in Cape Breton for local esports events and tournaments, but I let my imagination get the best of me. I guess there aren't enough youth to keep the business going. This is one of those companies that imo New Dawn should invest in, or at least try to innovate the gaming lounge market a bit. I can't imagine Sydney without a gaming lounge, and PvP should have lasted longer than it did. CaperCon is only a few weeks away, too.

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