Tainted Survey

I have to make this statement so it is clear that I am not harassing our elected officials: The following is political commentary related to community damaging policies that need to be reversed for the betterment of "all CBRM". The battle against hypocrisy must go on :-)
Also CBRM Recreation did not create this mess and there's been lots good Active Transportation proponents in CBRM who deserve kudos irrespective of what the elected officials do. No disrespect intended towards any of these people or organizations here.

This will be short and sweet.

Some ATV riding decision makers in CBRM must have influenced the Active Transportation survey, it is tainted with questions about anti-active transportation. I say influenced because the line item shown in the attached image doesn't belong and an Active Transportation group would never include it. A concerted effort could now be undertaken by an organized special interest group to influence the outcome of the survey. 

This needs to be fixed and reissued! The question of "Who Did This?" should be answered.

There is already a loss of trust in the CBRM Active Transportation Plan and this doesn't help.

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