June 29 Bras d'Or Lake Biosphere celebrated its 10th Anniversary!

This June 29th the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Reserve Association celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Bras d’Or Lake Watershed's designation as a UNESCO BIOSPHERE. The initial steering committee work began in 2003. The Bras d’Or Lake and its watershed are located on Cape Breton - Unama’ki, in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We are proud to be part of UNESCO and the ‘Canadian Network of Biospheres consisting of sites with inspiring, globally unique and biodiverse ecosystems, conserved by locally developed strategies of sustainable development’. 

We would like to thank our past and present directors, our member organizations, our 100 plus lifetime and annual members, the 800 plus who subscribe to our quarterly newsletter and everyone who provided support and encouragement over the past ten years and more to our success and growth. We remain committed to providing conservation of biodiversity in the core areas, research, educational materials and capacity building resources to support sustainable development in the Biosphere region and the island as a whole.

We encourage all levels of government, educators, businesses, residents and visitors alike to continue to set policy, work, live and play in The Biosphere in a sustainable manner.

Be sure to check out our website and social media links for more insights, news and events. 



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Today the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Reserve Association is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Bras d’Or Lake watershed designation as a UNESCO BIOSPHERE.
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