The CBRM Adds New Bus Routes And Evening Service

From the Cape Breton Regional Municipality:

New and improved transit routes are now in effect throughout the municipality. These changes are part of the transit pilot project approved by CBRM Council. The routes will be evaluated over the coming months.

The changes include new routes, extended service into the evening and a new express service to and from the Northside.

Route 1 - Sydney, Dominion & Glace Bay:

An added run starting at Dorchester Street in Sydney at 7:00 pm, proceeding to CBU for 7:25 pm, heading to downtown Glace Bay for 8:00 pm and completing one run through Route 3 (New Aberdeen) followed by one run through Route 4 (Steele’s Hill) with all stops included.

Route 3 & 4 - New Aberdeen & Steele’s Hill:

The original run to both of these communities finished at 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm respectively. One additional run has been added to each with the run starting at Dorchester Street in Sydney at 7:00 pm, proceeding to CBU for 7:25 pm, heading out to downtown Glace Bay for 8:00 pm and completing one run through Route 3 (New Aberdeen) followed by one run through Route 4 (Steele’s Hill) with all stops included .

Route 9 - New Waterford:

The original run for New Waterford had only 3 trips between Sydney and New Waterford, with trips spaced 4 hours apart. We have closed this gap and are now offering 5 runs with the bus proceeding as follows:

• Daley Road departures will be 7:10 am, 9:15, 11:15, 1:15, 3:50 and 6:15 pm
• Plummer Avenue final departure will be 6:00 pm, heading to Sydney.
• Dorchester Street departures will be 8:30 am, 10:25, 12:25, 3:00 and 5:05 pm.
• CBU departures will be 8:50 am, 10:50, 12:50, 3:25, 5:30 pm

Northside Express:

A new express route that connects Northside Mall to Cape Breton University with stops at the hospital and Mayflower Mall. 

AM Express:
• Depart Northside Mall at 7:20 after Route 5 arrives with transfer patrons.
• Arrive at Cape Breton Regional Hospital at 7:50
• Arrive at Mayflower Mall at 8:00
• Arrive at CBU at 8:05 am

PM Express:
• Depart CBU 4:45 pm
• Arrive at Mayflower Mall at 4:50 pm
• Arrive at Cape Breton Regional Hospital at 5:00 pm
• Arrive at Northside Mall at 5:20 pm

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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
I think this is excellent. I have one suggestion however with regard to the Northside express. 7:20 is 7:50 NFLD time. I believe that is 20 minutes after the NFLD ferry docks. Why not have the North Sydney stop at the new terminal instead of the North Sydney mall. My reasoning is it allows some creative local business an opportunity to experiment with a new market. It also allows our friends in NFLD to spend a day shopping. Thinking it might be popular before Christmas.
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