The Coast 89.7 FM- Where the East Coast Comes To Play

The Coast 89.7 (CKOA-FM) is not your average radio station. We are community radio for Cape Breton – a community-owned, not-for-profit radio station dedicated to promoting East Coast Music and Culture.

While many radio stations play the American & Canadian Top 40 hits and feature an occasional Atlantic Canadian artist, The Coast 89.7 specializes in promoting East Coast music and artists all while promoting local community events and news.

We are pleased to offer listeners a broad variety of programming ranging from contests to daily traffic reports to a weekly Top 10 Countdown Show or a fun, hour-long, practical talk show with guest experts and questions from travelers—programming that people of all ages and interest can relate to.


The Coast 89.7 FM

106 Reserve Street, Glace Bay, NS B1A 4W5

T: 902.849.4301

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