The Election: The Shenanigans Behind the Owls Head Situation

Did you know that we as Nova Scotians have a plan to protect land that ought to be protected, including those that house a "globally rare" ecosystem? 

We do. 

Experts following a comprehensive plan placed the land known as Owls Head Provincial Park, and eight other spaces with "globally rare ecosystems," on a special list that was meant to secure their eventual protection.

You can read the plan here. 

This is an excerpt from the preface: 

Nova Scotians have expressed a desire for a more comprehensive plan to address long-term viability. Our Parks and Protected Areas: A Plan for Nova Scotia will do just that. It builds on extensive consultations and activities over the last several years that yielded the Colin Stewart Forest Forum final report, the Our Wild Spaces discussion paper, and The Path We Share, the Natural Resources Strategy. Through these consultations, members of the public, including Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq, helped to identify potential lands for protection, and provided input about our provincial parks.

Our government decided to secretly remove the Owls Head land from this important list that should have eventually secured its protection. 


An American couple named Beckwith and Kitty Gilbert decided that they would like to buy some of this ecologically important land and build 2 or 3 or more golf courses. 

So, Beckwith and Kitty paid Michel Sampson - yes, he was once our minister of environment - to lobby our elected officials with the goal that the land would not be protected but developed. 

The Liberal government silently dropped Owls Head from the list of nine places with globally rare ecosystems that were to be protected. 

So, two Americans with too much money on their hands want to build golf courses on some of our most environmentally important land and our government, on our behalf, is willing to do their bidding. 

Please ask your candidates whether they support handing over Owls Head to Beckwith and Kitty. If they do, they support backroom deals, former ministers lobbying the government they were once a part of, and the destruction of rare ecosystems in the name of reckless private enterprise. 


You can learn more about this potential atrocity here


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