The Federal Election Call and Equalization.

It looks like a federal election will be called this weekend. Jaime Battiste or Mike Kelloway and Anna Manley for Sydney / Glace Bay And then we have: Jaime Battiste or Mike Kelloway and Allan MacMaster for Cape Breton / Canso We know where a few of these politicians stand on equalization….. Mike Kelloway is under the impression that it is sent unconditionally and when he has provided us with evidence that states the contrary, he ignores us and the issue. Jaime Battiste ignores the topic and issue and does not respond to emails and requests. Allan MacMaster also ignores the issue of equalization and does not speak with the NSEF even after hundreds of emails of requests over many years. He has never once replied. Anna Manley is the one to watch and question on equalization. Where does she stand? All candidates must be challenged on the equalization issue. The program is federally funded with federal tax dollars. These federal representatives must speak on this important topic so do not let them out of your sight without challenging them on equalization. Our future depends upon it.

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