Town House - Glace Bay Citizens Service League

Established in 1967, Glace Bay Citizens Service League is a volunteer based non-profit, charitable organization which offers programs that improve the quality of life of the community of Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and surrounding areas, in response to needs identified by residents. The League is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors, with active Board committees that meet regularly.

Glace Bay Citizens Service League has been providing a wide variety of programs and services to the communities of Glace Bay and surrounding areas, including Nursery School, March Break Program, Summer Day Camp, Meals on Wheels, Clothing Depot, Furniture Exchange, Back to School Supplies for Children, Seniors Programs, and many more. We have a well developed Volunteer Program and also offer a unique Volunteer Resource Centre.


The approximately 250 volunteers who work with the programs of the League are an essential component of many of the programs and services offered.

Citizens Service League operates programs in two locations: Town House in downtown Glace Bay (main office) and Passchendaele House on Dominion Street in Glace Bay.

Glace Bay Citizens Service League

150 Commercial Street
Glace Bay, NS B1A 3C1
T: (902) 849-2449
F: (902) 849-2302

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Glace Bay Citizens Service League is a charitable organization which offers programs that improve the quality of life of the community of Glace Bay, NS.
Directory Association, Charity, Group, Nonprofit Charities Location CBRM Glace Bay Nonprofit Donation Fund


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