The Inverness Oran

The Inverness Oran 

15767 Central Avenue. P.O. Box 100 Inverness, 

Nova Scotia. B0E 1N0 

Tel.: 1 (902) 258-2253. 

Fax: 1 (902) 258-2632

Email:[email protected]

The Oran employs 12 people as well as columnists and those who help get it into the homes. Without the loyalty of its readers The Oran would not have survived for four decades and Eleanor, Frank, Rankin and the rest of The Oran family will always be grateful to the people who buy it every week from their paper carrier, their newsstand or by subscription.

Oran is the Gaelic word for song and we can only hope that we have sung the songs of Inverness County well for the many years we have been together.

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