The NSEF holds an important meeting regarding MP Mike Kelloway.

The NSEF held an important meeting to discuss if the group should attend a zoom meeting with the Department of Finance, the Department of Justice and MP Mike Kelloway, regarding equalization fairness. The issue is that Mike Kelloway has sent an email stating that the NSEF is not allowed to record this meeting for the public to view. 

We hope you will watch this meeting and contact Mike Kelloway at: [email protected] to ask him to allow this meeting to be made public.

The NSEF has had many years of meeting with politicians, but most refuse to go on record when discussing equalization fairness. The province has determined that 51% is due to the CBRM but they have capped the provincial program at $30 million (CBRM receives $15 million) when they are actually receiving over $2.14 billion

Cape Breton and rural Nova Scotia is generating this revenue for the province, and the province should be accountable for where and how it is spent.  We were hoping to bring you the recorded details of this important meeting but when you watch the video, you will see how most board members think about having this meeting undocumented.  It has been identified that 23.1% of the total transfer is generated because of a Municipal deficiency in tax capacity related to property.  The total amount that should be distributed to the municipal "have not units" around the province is $495 million not $30 million.  This explains why 5 towns have dissolved and others considering the same process. Thank you for your time.

Email Mike Kelloway at [email protected] to ask him to allow this meeting to be made public.

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Bill Fiander Follow Me
You know I'm all for equalization in Cape Breton, and I've written about it, but I don't see anything nefarious in not having cameras involved in this proposed meeting.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
...or in having it public.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Is having a policy of recording meetings with politicians after more than two-decades of politicians ignoring this injustice an unreasonable expectation for an elected representative to comply with? When politicians - after being elected - are determining/setting the conditions in which they are willing to explain/answer or to be transparent in how they are representing their constituents on such an important long-standing issue, I’d say your “nefarious” concern is best directed at the politicians.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
I would think that it shows good faith that a meeting is being held. Have a meeting, hammer things out, negotiate, and when the time comes make it public. If you're putting someone's back against the wall from the get-go, I don't know how much room they can have to negotiate.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Showing “good faith” by wanting to be behind closed doors? Really! Whose version will you believe? Mike Kelloway has not stated that the people attending are there “to negotiate” anything. What are you thinking is open for negotiations? Mike Kelloway and these employees of the government have all the data we have used, after all it is the government’s information. In what way are their backs to the wall? The governments - provincially and federally - have the municipalities in this province with their financial backs to the wall and will not come to the table. And you think sending powerless government functionaries is a sign of good faith after more than two decades of under funding rural Nova Scotia and the CBRM?
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Wouldn't it be a starting point though? If you have to go through gov't officials to get equalization how are we going to get there if both sides can't even get to the table?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
You must recall former mayor John Morgan’s efforts to have government come to the table. When all efforts failed, he was forced to try the courts and force them the government to the table. Why do you think the governments will not come to the table? Do you really believe after all these years of politically manipulating these federal transfers, the government will suddenly do the right thing? I don’t. The last possibility may be through the courts since the N.S. Appeal Court decision by CJ MIKE MACDONALD has overruled an EARLIER decision of the SCOC. Even the courts would NOT uphold the constitution!
Joe Ward Follow Me
My expectation for any politician is that they conduct themselves with integrity and be fully transparent about their views on matters of public concern. If Mike Kelloway doesn't understand the NSEF's position on Equalization, he should say so. We elected an MP who admitted during the campaign that he didn't understand one of our most vital issues, and it would be a good time to find out if he's now done his homework... or if he has instead focused his time on memorizing the gov's approved speaking points on the topic. If he disagrees with the NSEF or general Equalization supporters and rejects their position, he should say so. Rodger Cuzner hosted a meeting, agreed to the video recording, and during that meeting was at least bold enough to state his disagreement. He put information on record for any member of the public interested in the topic to see what he said. Even Cecil Clarke did the same, and the NSEF gained video confirmation that he was, indeed, no advocate for increasing resources for the CBRM, or any other struggling municipality in the province. These political folks will take all kinds of private meetings where they can be safe from scrutiny. I.e. they can tell the room whatever the room wants to hear. And they can disagree with anything that spills outside of the meeting because the public can't verify what actually happened. Plausible deniability. Which party is describing what happened at the meeting most accurately? Mike Kelloway inherited a strong Liberal MP seat and he's making an outstanding effort at building support throughout Cape Breton Canso. He's building a great deal of political capital. But it's only fair that if he's not supportive enough on Equalization that it be one of the things that differentiate him from other MP candidates in the next election who will work to unseat him. If his seat was 100% guaranteed, he'd never take a single meeting with anyone that held a negative view of his position on any topic.
Keith MacDonald Follow Me
It seems that those who disagree are more willing to have a recorded meeting. This could mean that Mike Kelloway agrees with the NSEF but the party is holding him down.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
If you are correct, Mike Kelloway has a decision to make: either support his constituents or the Liberal Party.
Joe Ward Follow Me
The ones who disagree on the record have more integrity and are more useful to the NSEF than the ones who secretly agree but won't say it on the record.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
So you have politicians on record saying they don't agree with NSEF. Does that get a lack of equalization dollars in Cape Breton any closer to reality? Is there some long term game plan? Was it Einstein who said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Charles Sampson Follow Me
The unidentifiable politicians you are referring to have not met wit NSEF. Do you know why? If people keep electing these same politicians who have NOT represented this community’s constitutional entitlement, your Einstein quote is bang on! As for the many past years of “unproductive meetings” with politicians that were “unrecorded,” your Einstein quote is bang on again. Transparency/accountability appears to be ONLY an election promise immediately discarded once elected.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
I don't disagree with NSEF's assessment of what is owed to the municipalities of NS. NSEF has done a lot to raise awareness of this injustice. I'm just wondering if there is another way of going about it.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
We are open to consider any suggestion you may think of. But you have to realize the courts failed to uphold the law and that left the political path, which the court ruled ONLY governments can decide whether to obey or not to obey the law.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
I thought Keith MacDonald made an interesting observation.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
That message was communicated to Mike whenever he first met with NSEF. I told him he was shortly going to come to a fork in his political road, which would have him to decide whether to support his constituents or his party. He did NOT say anything.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
All politicians have to walk a fine line. I don't envy any of them. And as much as people may agree with NSEF, there are still a lot who don't.
Martha Ross Follow Me
How did you come to that conclusion that there is a lot of people that don’t agree with NSEF, you don’t have such information at all. You think because you don’t agree with NSEF that there is others. Rightly so you have an opinion about your own stand about NSEF, but refrain from giving opinions of others, which I know you are just making false information. Not often do we hear any negative about us but there is just a few like yourself that get online talking nonsense.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
At no time have I disagreed with the injustice of equalization throughout NS. And perhaps I made a personal assessment in saying a lot of people disagree with NSEF. Perhaps it might be better stated that a number of the people I know who agree with NSEF have become disillusioned with the quest. Maybe a poll would be a good way to assess this: Do you agree that Nova Scotians are being short-changed on equalization? And do you think we will ever get it? This reality should be considered.
Martha Ross Follow Me
That isn’t your business to make a personal assessment of other people, someone who does that and gets on here with such a statement isn’t likely creditable about anything else there stating here. So why do you continue to give information about what other people are suppose have said to you. We are the ones that can address their concerns to, not you.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
I hope your first sentence was meant to say, “At no time have I ‘agreed’ with the injustice of equalization throughout N.S.. Not sure why people you know are ”disillusioned with the quest.” What time have they invested in this quest? Now you want a poll. Are you going to pay for it? Do you seriously think the government wants a poll? Perhaps you can suggest this to the provincial government? Remember, it was the Liberal Party that passed an AGM Resolution calling for the AG to do an audit of these Equalization payments, but will not even mention this any more. Have any ideas as to why? Perhaps, you can publicly call upon Mike and his provincial political associates to do that audit! Your questions are best answered by your long-time secretive government ministers in an open public meeting. Why are you not calling upon your government to do so along with the alleged people you claim are talking to you? NSEF has ONLY drawn attention to government legislation and to which its behaviour that is NOT pursuant to its own laws. It is about time your alleged people you communicate with realize this “reality.”
Bill Fiander Follow Me
OMG. This is insane. Yes, Charles, I do make editorial mistakes, and sometimes use a poor choice of words, and mispell words.. I hope I can take criticism and work with it. I made a suggestion that having a meeting with Mike Kelloway privately might be a better way to go. You as members of NSEF decided to make it seem like I was making an attack on each of you personally, and decided to attack me personally. That what I have to say is gobbledigook. Lesson learned, Charles, I'll be sure to just read letters posted by NSEF and keep any opinion I have to myself.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I do agree that Bill is correct, but I'd break it down a little differently. More specifically, the level of understanding and support for the Equalization issue and the NSEF group is varied. There are also detractors. Archie MacKinnon, despite intending to do exactly the opposite, hurt the public's understanding of Equalization, turning it into something to be mocked during his mayoral campaign. Partisan supporters right now, particularly the power-holding Liberals, will say anything to reinforce the position of their favourite hockey team. Sorry, I meant their favourite political party. There is also a large segment of the public that are very easily convinced that any investment made in Cape Breton means that we're being treated fairly without any understanding whatsoever of how to define or quantify what that means. Community colleges and healthcare construction is taxpayer-funded infrastructure, not a trade-off for insufficient or failed investments of Equalization funding that are not achieving the core objective. There are also many people that are politically apathetic that really reject any idea coming from a politically-involved group. Politics or topics that rely on political intervention means so little in their lives that anyone that makes a big deal of it is just "not their kind of people" and not to be trusted. They become "wrong" by virtue of not appealing to any of the person's interests. Fortunately, politicians get upset about articles in the Cape Breton Post even if only 1 person ends up reading it. If vanity and self-interest is a common personality trait, we should recognize and exploit it at every possible opportunity.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Politicians running for office proclaim they will represent their constituents. The political party system and the electoral system is undemocratic. Under these conditions, your “fine line” is clearly designed for politicians to play their well-rewarded role as a party hack. Seems one former minister of Justice paid the price of losing her party-loyalty rewards when she decided to uphold the law. A rare principled politician for sure today. As for your second statement, the unspecific number of people you allege disagree with NSEF is amusing since NSEF uses government data your mysterious number of people are also simultaneously disagreeing with their government that they likely repeatedly vote back into power. What was your Einstein quote again?
Bill Fiander Follow Me
What I have noticed in this conversation is that NSEF lives in an echo chamber. And I'm wondering if NSEF is even open to criticism judged by the way this conversation has gone. I'm 'alleging' like I'm some Trump conspiracist. I have talked to people who feel the way I have indicated. The number though is limited to the people I know.
Keith MacDonald Follow Me
Politics is a battleground that people only participate in once every four years. But just because the public is not actively engaging in an issue, doesn't make the advocacy group an echo chamber. The NSEF's Facebook group has 1.8k followers, but that's not the true following. The Facebook followers are prominent community members like bloggers, business owners, people who work for media companies, CBRM employees, etc. The NSEF frequently has a presence in the Cape Breton Post, and seniors read the Post. The following is demonstrated by the workers who honk their horns passing by NSEF protests (which were most cars from what I've witnessed), the angry complaints to Mark Eyking and Rodger Cuzner throughout their final term that probably contributed to their retirements, and the voting power that got Amanda McDougall and other Council NSEF supporters elected.
Martha Ross Follow Me
Echo chamber isn’t the situation here, it’s someone getting on here and continuing to talk about what other people are suppose to be saying, that is ridiculous, state your own opinion.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Oh I see. I get it now. Just shut up and go along. If I hear people making an opinion that is contrary to your thinking, just dismiss it. Make it out to be some clown making this assessment by himself. You know perhaps you aren't hearing people making contrary opinions because you're just not listening.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Bill, no one is shutting you up. You have stated “your” opinion and you have received a comment on it. You have NOT commented back on theses responses to your opinion. It appears you are the one NOT listening.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
I heard you Charles and I heard the condescension.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Bill, I did not try to be condescending in my replies. So, can you refer to what I have responded to you as being condescending on my part?
Joe Ward Follow Me
When a politician is "walking a fine line" they make the same mistake that weak journalists make when the presumption is that you have to create a false balance in reporting. However, if we think of walking a fine line as though it means keeping everyone happy *with them*, there is zero integrity in that approach. They should certainly endeavour to understand the position of all those who want to weigh in on a given issue. However, at some point, a person with integrity has to make a determination and take their own position. I don't sympathize with them or give them any excuses whatsoever. If they really believed that politics was about keeping everyone happy, they could not run for a party that is inherently divisive. They ALL either have a position or are uninformed—despite what they'd like to portray. They signed up for a job that requires good decision-making abilities... and not just making decisions, but also revealing what they are. When obedience to a party or re-election takes priority over communicating and acting on what they truly feel, they have become the worst kind of politician. Their own success takes priority over everyone else they are supposed to represent. I don't believe that MP Kelloway really agrees with anything the NSEF has to say. I think that his key influence is primarily Rodger Cuzner, and his priority is almost entirely on building personal relationships with people everywhere in Cape Breton - Canso. He wants to establish a reputation as the "really nice" MP who they must vote for next time around. He wants to be as secure as Cuzner, and he doesn't want to rock the boat in his first term while Liberals are definitely at risk, even prior to the pandemic becoming the world's number one focus. IMO, what pains Kelloway most is not the experiences of his constituents. It's any negative feedback about him in the public sphere. That's the only thing the NSEF or any other interest group has to leverage with him.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
From the 20-years of accommodating and being overly considerate towards our politicians, NSEF has not received any favourable forward movement regarding the Equalization funding. That being the case, the NSEF board members have passed a motion that all future meetings with government has to be recorded. The Liberal Party “policy” of no recording of meetings now being stressed by M.P. Mike Kelloway is to deny his constituents their democratic right to view and hear what he has and is currently saying on their behalf about a constitutional benefit government has been denying them for over two decades. But the sudden introduction of this “policy” should be regarded by citizens as nothing more than the government shielding itself from the transparency and accountability, which are the perquisites for any government that says it is democratic. In the last three-years with the help of more media-savvy people, NSEF’s message - which is the government’s own data that has filtered down to more people - is simply being played back to government. But, somehow, this government information is now threatening to politicians, according to some people. The reason this Equalization injustice continues to be politically manipulated by government is because enough of those being denied their constitutional benefit have continued to reward with re-election those very politicians who have been responsible. This long-standing injustice cannot end if those responsible are never held accountable but, instead, rewarded

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