The NSEF Sends a Video Message to Sean Fraser

When we heard that Sean Fraser was going to step down from federal politics and possibly run provincially (possibly the Liberal Party leader for the province), we thought we would reach out to him as soon as possible.

We wanted to see if Mr. Fraser was open to discussing equalization fairness with the NSEF. We have sent the following video to him today and we will let you know if we hear back from Sean Fraser.

Here is the video we sent today:

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The government of Nova Scotia and the federal government regarding the federal Equalization transfers have made a huge scandal because both the governments have NOT complied with the enshrined law in the constitution they have made part of the supreme law of this country. Both the rural municipal governments and the second largest municipality of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality have been underfunded and apparently kept ignorant and afraid to question the facts about these Equalization transfers. The Father Albert Maroun volunteer citizens have informed the public — for decades — of this financial scandal without enough of the public paying attention and holding these governments accountable for this obvious lack of transparency. The information that the Father Maroun’s citizens (NSEF — Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness) committee has collected is available to all on the federal government’s website. The important question is this federal Equalization funding to the eligible provinces has increased about 2.5 times, yet the provincial equalization grant has not increased. Why? The courts have assisted in the legal extralegal scandal and have been allowed the provincial court to OVERTURN a 1950 Supreme Court of Canada decision that none of the governments own OUR Constitution. The property owners in the unconstitutionally higher property taxed municipalities are not receiving their funding that the federal Equalization transfers sends every year. Why? The elected politicians have not been a help in explaining this financial theft of the people they claim to represent. Why? In the last provincial election, what candidates even spoke about this obvious level of government financial and legal manipulation to avoid having to comply with the supreme law governments have enshrined in Our Constitution? In the CBRM, isn’t it about time for its municipal government to ask the obvious questions?

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