The Rebuffed MacNeil Report: Is the Sydney Port Strategy Viable?

This presentation summary provides highlights from the consultant's report; as well as media comments from CBRM councillors and a CBU professor in Cape Breton. As the consultant report generally had a negative outlook for the viability of the Sydney container port strategy, the presentation focuses on capturing key insights of that reasoning. It is an exercise for the proponents of the port strategy to provide a compelling refutation to the consultant's findings.

"A basic tenet of a healthy democracy is open dialogue and transparency" - Peter Fenn (Political Strategist)

"Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful." - Margaret J. Wheatley (Management Consultant/Organizational Behavior, Harvard)

Read Full Consultant Report (PDF)

"If not the port, then what?" - CBRM Mayor, Cecil Clarke (November 2015)

Tags: Cape Breton, CBRM, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, HPDP, Harbour Port Development Partners, Barry Sheehy, Albert Barbusci, Port of Sydney Development Corporation, Marlene Usher

It's ok to invoke a sense of Cape Breton humour sometimes. My grandmother was famous for telling me this one. But the key point here is that we cannot achieve our objectives by ignoring the obstacles. We have to think of everything as a business case. Can we get there or not? What's the opportunity cost? Is this achievable? Is this the right strategy?

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In 2014/2015 a controversial consultant report with commentary on the Sydney container port viability was revealed to the public. Are its findings valid?
Business Economics & Statistics


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Christian Murphy Follow Me
What's truly interesting Joe is that the vast majority of people will not read beyond a headline or two. The viability of the Port is questionable. The rail line has been abandoned because Cape Breton doesn't produce anything for shipment. It's that simple. The Port has little supportive infrastructure and there are better facilities with shorter routes to market. Throw into the mix the fact that the Illuminati operate more openly and well, sorry, my trust factors are low these days. In the end, a consultant get $100K and where are we, still in the same hole we were in before all this started. If the port was viable, private interests would be soliciting Cape Breton, not the other way around. That's my opinion of course.

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