Schooner Curling Club Looking For New Members [VIDEO]

The Schooner Curling Club is pleased to begin another season of curling at our facility.  

Schooner members come from all walks of life and represent all communities of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Our members range in age from 6 to over 70, showing that curling is a sport that can be enjoyed by anyone.

The Schooner Curling Club is dedicated to developing the sport of curling in our community in a friendly and social atmosphere. Curling is a great sport for people of all ages and physical abilities, and offers a winter pastime that provides great fun and healthy exercise.

After a spirited game, relax in our heated club and enjoy a refreshing beverage with your curling friends. Where else can you find this much winter fun for such a low price?

Contact the club today for membership rates and more information.

Still not convinced curling is for you? Why not give it a try at one of our Fun Nights. For only $7, you get to experience the fun of curling (we provide instructions), and you also get pizza!

Just bring some clean, dry shoes for the ice area. Once you try it, you'll be hooked.

Check out the 2 minute How To Curl VIDEO below.



61 Military Road, Sydney, NS B1N 3K6

T: 902.539.3993

E: [email protected]

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It's fun, it's social, and it's great exercise!
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Bill Farr Follow Me
The Schooner Curling Club offers one of the best deals in town for a winter of fun. Full adult memberships are only $220 plus tax. Visit the Schooner Club's website for more information and for either a downloadable or an online membership application. Visit the club any Tuesday evening for our weekly social and information session.
Bill Farr Follow Me
The Schooner Club will be holding its fall general meeting tonight, October 10, at the club. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are thinking about curling this winter why not join us and find out more about the club and what we offer. Start time is 7pm. You can check us out online as well at or on Facebook @schooner.curling .

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