The Simon 2016 - 5 years in the making

The 5th annual Simon Chiasson Alumni Basketball Tournament is taking place this March 2016.

There are still a few openings for team registration for the three respective divisions, so please contact me if you are interested in registering for the tournament.

Divisions: Men's Under 30, Men's 35+, Women's.

We're also looking for tournament sponsors and volunteers!

Call 902-565-6677 or email [email protected] for more information or to Register.

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Aron Ashton My Post Follow Me
Count down.48 days and counting till the 5th annual Alumni tournament now being dubbed as "the Simon". Feb. 12th is the team registration deadline, which will require your team registration fee and roster. The tournament schedule will be available after Feb. 19th. The tournament will be played from Thursday March 17th - March 20th at three venues. Memorial, Sydney academy and Riverview. Three divisions, a men's under 30; a men's 35+ and a women's. 6 teams in each of the respective three divisions for a grand total of 18 teams, the biggest CO-Ed alumni tournament in Atlantic Canada
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