The Summer of 2018

If you ask Cape Bretoners to describe the Summer of 2018, the words “hot” and “humid” are likely to be heard.  

According to Cape Breton Mesonet, “the July-August two-month period was the warmest in Sydney since the hot summers of the dust bowl in the 1930s and 1940s.”  

The month of August registered the highest amount of sun in at least nine years, with 65.5% of possible sunshine.

The story was similar right across Canada, with wildfires in British Columbia once again raging out of control. The BC fires generated so much smoke, that the plume eventually reached Atlantic Canada. Even here in Cape Breton, we saw clear evidence in late August with a daytime haze and redder-than-normal sunsets.


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It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Whatever your opinion, 2018 was an unusual summer for weather.
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