Top SEO Services Company in Nova Scotia!

Premium SEO Services + Social Media Management Company Founded in Nova Scotia!

GO SMART MEDIA understands that the only way to keep clients happy is by providing top SEO services  and creative Social Media Marketing Strategies that give our clients the competitive edge in Nova Scotia, as well as other areas and markets in Canada.

Tom Mills, CEO and founder of, one of Nova Scotia's best SEO and Social Media Management Companies, is focused on helping local businesses in Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville, as well as the rest of the HRM and Cape Breton, get found at the top of search engine results pages (SERP).

Tom formed recently to help local businesses achieve success and measure search results in today’s highly competitive market. He has proven SEO and internet marketing strategies that have worked for dozens of local clients in Nova Scotia time and time again.

"Monthly SEO Subscription Packages" are the way to go when a company wants to rank higher in Google", says Mills. It really doesn't matter what market you are in.

We have clients in real estate, photography, video production, acupuncture, eJuice sales, as well as many other markets in the local area that we have taken on as clients within the past couple years who are now at the top of the search engine results pages for their respective markets.

"Deep keyword analysis, on-page optimization, proper keyword placement, and local competition analysis are just a few of the things we do at goSmartMedia before ramping up any SEO campaign. By targeting certain keyword phrases, we get to fully understand what people are searching for in your market. So the process is all about taking what local Nova Scotians search for, and target these keywords on our clients websites.

Article writing and other content creation methods are now more valuable than ever in getting higher search engine rankings. So by writing quality content, we feel this is the fuel that fires up Google and other major search engines like Bing and Yahoo. Other internet marketing methods like backlinks building and social media marketing are used in conjunction with creative SEO methods to boost our clients page rank month to month.

We have really built a solid internet marketing strategy here in the Maritimes for new companies and start-ups to compete with the big boys, the fortune 500 companies who have deep pockets and pay thousands of dollars per month on SEO Services.

Well we say it isn't necessary to spend this kind of money if you have years of SEO experience and solid social media marketing strategies that work! Jumping on our FREE SEO Analysis will get you started on the right track to boosting your website's page rank."

Talk to Tom or one of the other top SEO experts at who can answer any questions you may have for your next website build or internet marketing campaign - [email protected]1-888-SEO-2382.

He can improve your search result ranking, guaranteed, with comprehensive month-end reports that show improvement in your Google Page Rank each month for a variety of keyword phrases. GoSmartMedia is not just another SEO or Social Media Marketing company. The company was formed to offer premium SEO and Social Media Management to Local Business in Nova Scotia so that they can be  seen first in Google, ahead of other local competition.

Stop giving away sales to local competition !!

Contact Tom at [email protected] for free advice, SEO or web design questions, or to claim your FREE SEO ANALYSIS.

GO SMART MEDIA Is Local Provider of Top SEO Services, Social Media Management and Search Engine  Optimization (SEO) Services For Many Canadian, USA, & Global Clients!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services in Nova Scotia

With roughly 80% of all internet consumers in Canada using search engines to find products and services locally, the only way to be successful if by optimizing your website for major search engines. Simply having a website is certainly not enough if you want to compete with other local businesses in the same market in Nova Scotia.

Search engine optimization is now just as important as web design. Strategic SEO planning is needed to build an effective SEO strategy to boost your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERP) to make it more visible to local searchers and potential buyers of your products and services.



Top SEO companies like GO SMART MEDIA, have now perfected internet marketing to the point that they have come up with a simple rule of thumb for getting to Page #1 of Google. Despite the efforts of hundreds of other SEO companies who claim they can do it with mass backlinks campaigns and forums posts, etc, they are dead wrong and will hurt your website ranking and may even get you de-indexed by Google in the process, which you may never recover from. We've seen this time and time again in Canada. Always hire a company that practice "white hat" SEO methods like

The proper way to do SEO is to simply pay attention to the latest Google Panda Algorithm update. It is no different than it has been since 2014 with the one exception being that it is now more important than ever to place an emphasis on content.

The better you write your posts and articles, use proper keyword placement, create video testimonials, build high ranking backlinks to your site, share valuable content in top social media channels, the more points you will be given by Google and other major search engines. You will get indexed higher and get more website traffic in the long run.

Quality Content, Article Writing, Social Media Sharing

These are the simple strategies that we employee at GO SMART MEDIA. Quality content, article writing, social media sharing, and authority backlinks building are now the cornerstones of any successful internet marketing campaign.

Get a FREE SEO ANALYSIS and KEYWORD DISCOVERY today from Go Smart Media! What do you have to lose, it’s free!

GO Smart Media invests time in performing an SEO Analysis and keyword discovery of your website before we start your SEO campaign.

So this way we get to your business, products and services, your marketing plans, and end-game goals. We will then recommend the best SEO package that combine website optimization that target specific keywords within your market, creative backlinks building, and sharing through all the top social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube to build your target audience.

So in the process, you grab the attention of top search engines, you target new customers on the web, and share your website content through top social media channels. To hire a new employee for all these internet marketing services would be way too expensive. By hiring a top SEO Services company in Nova Scotia, you get to pay only a fraction of the price by hiring a new employee for the same internet marketing services.

This should be a no brainer for new companies in Atlantic Canada. Save money, hire the best local SEO and social media marketing company, and get rewarded with more website traffic, leads, and revenue!

Visibility in Google Is An Asset to Get More Website Traffic, Phone Calls, Emails, Leads, and Sales! Stop Giving Away Sales + Revenue To Your Competition. Hire a Top SEO Company in Halifax Nova Scotia Today.

Your Halifax internet marketing professionals ( make use of on-page optimization methods, SEO article creation and backlinks building to allow your website to get get indexed higher than your competition's in top search engines. So when people are searching for products and services in your market, they will find your website at the top of the search engine results pages, ahead of your nearest competition.

If you have questions don’t forget to call us at 1-888-736-2382 (888-SEO-2382) or email [email protected]

Learn how you can get to Page #1 of Google and BEAT LOCAL COMPETITION for your keywords within your market. What do you have to lose, it’s free! FREE SEO ANALYSIS !!!

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Get a FREE SEO ANALYSIS and KEYWORD DISCOVERY today from Go Smart Media! What do you have to lose, it’s free -
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