Venues announced for 2019 Celtic Colours International Festival

Venues announced for 2019 Celtic Colours International Festival 


(Sydney, NS) Despite being the shortest month of the year, February is one that holds some real significance for many folks. You may find solace in it being the last month of meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and knowing that regardless of what the groundhogs may say, winter will soon give way to spring. For some it’s all about the middle of the month and that magical day full of hearts and flowers, lovely cards and romantic dinners. But if you’re a fan of the Celtic Colours International Festival—Cape Breton’s island-wide celebration of music and culture that has captivated Celtic music lovers around the world—February means you can finally get started on making real plans for the fall festivities.


Although it’s still months until the full schedule and line-up of artists is revealed, this early announcement sees the Festival begin to take shape, specifically in terms of when and where concerts will be happening.


“It’s a big help, in terms of making plans, to know what communities are hosting concerts on what days,” says Mike MacSween, Executive Director of Celtic Colours. "Being able to announce the list of venues and communities gives folks the opportunity to really start finalizing their plans.”


This year’s schedule features afternoon matinees on seven of the nine days of the Festival, as well as concerts every night, including four licensed shows and the nightly Festival Club at Colaisde na Gàidhlig / The Gaelic College in St. Ann’s, which is also restricted to 19 years and over. 


Three new venues—the North Sydney Fire Hall, the Louisdale Lions Club, and Ephraim Scott Memorial Presbyterian Church in South Haven—join the ranks of long-time Celtic Colours venues like the historic Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay, the celebrated Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, and state-of-the-art Strathspey Performing Arts Centre in Mabou, as well as some of the Island’s most beautiful churches, and an array of schools, and community, parish and fire halls in 35 communities around the Island. 


The Celtic Colours International Festival will open this year in Sydney on Friday, October 11 at Centre 200 and close Saturday, October 19 with a concert at the Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre. In total, there will be 52 concerts taking place in Aspy Bay, Baddeck, Belle Côté, Big Pond, Boisdale, Boularderie, Chéticamp, Christmas Island, D'Escousse, Eskasoni, Glace Bay, Glendale, Ingonish, Inverness, Iona, Judique, L'Ardoise, Louisbourg, Louisdale, Lower River Inhabitants, Mabou, Marion Bridge, Membertou, New Waterford, North Sydney, Port Hawkesbury, Port Morien, South Haven, St. Ann’s, St. Peter's, Sydney, Sydney Mines, Sydney River, Wagmatcook, and Whycocomagh.

The 2019 Celtic Colours International Festival runs October 11-19. The full schedule and line-up of artists will be announced June 21 with tickets going on sale July 9. For the full list of concert venues and the communities where they will take place, visit

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