Victoria County has a new bookmobile!

Cape Breton Regional Library is pleased to announce that the Victoria County Outreach Service is now on the road! This new service allows library staff to offer innovative programs to areas of Victoria County that are not served by a branch library. It will also provide customized programs and services to schools, seniors’ facilities, and other institutions like daycares and after-school programs.

The new service will be developed over time in partnership with communities, which means that “outreach” may look different in each part of the county. Rather than delivering a standard service to everyone, the Outreach Team hopes to tailor programs to the needs and interests of communities and organizations. This fall, library staff will be hosting county-wide community discussions in order to learn about communities’ strengths, needs, and desires. The hope is that library programming can support communities as they grow and adapt.

Over the summer, Outreach staff are working on building connections, identifying community partners, and building a database of the resources that exist across the county. Staff are also attending events and festivals in order to connect with residents, answer questions, and listen to ideas. These summer outreach activities will allow the public to get a sense of what the new service might provide, and will also give Outreach staff more insight into the communities they serve.

Outreach events have included a visit to the Wagmatcook Summer Reading Program to explore seeds and gardening through books and activities, a trip to Highland Village Day in Iona to showcase the library’s Gaelic and local history collections, and a tech outreach session for seniors. The Outreach Team has also been able to increase visits to Macleod House and Alderwood and are now visiting these facilities twice a month. Visits to the Iona and Ross Ferry Farmers’ Markets are in the planning stages. Other program possibilities include e-book demonstrations, story times, cultural programs, author visits, book talks, and arts and crafts programs for all ages. Watch for the blue Outreach Vehicle on the road in in your area!

Community groups, organizations, and schools which are interested in partnering with Victoria County Outreach services are asked to contact the Baddeck Library at 902295-2055, and visit the library website for more details.

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