Video of PC MLAs Voting Against The CBRM Funding Deal

We wanted to post this video to remind all those from the CBRM that your PC MLAs voted against amendment that would have seen the CBRM receive a separate funding agreement with the province.

If we are to hold our politicians accountable, then we had better be informed. The fact is that 5 PC MLAs from Cape Breton voted against “Home”.

The CBRM is the second largest municipality in Nova Scotia. We were once the economic engine of the Maritimes, and we have watched and lived our decline.

Along the way, politicians realized that the poorer we are, the more equalization that is generated and that process continues today.

Is it not time to start holding the politicians accountable? It is long overdue.


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Christine Bonnar Follow Me
Wake up Cape Breton!!! MLA’s are suppose to work for what is best for their constituents. Obviously this is not happening, John White and Brian Comer’s loyalty is strictly with the party and not the people. We need some serious change in our thinking.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Christine, the party system and the FPTP (First Past The Post) electoral system effectively combined by the wealthy oligarchy makes for an undemocratic outcome.

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